Little Flowers Group

By Deidre Light, group organizer

Image license:
Unknown photographer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Inspired by the little way of St Therese, the Little Flowers Club is an American programme designed to help young girls grow in virtue and friendship with one another. Our club, based at the retreat house of the Beatitudes community, began with just seven girls in mid-2022. By the grace of God, the group is flourishing and has grown to seventeen girls – what a blessing!

A typical Little Flowers session begins with an opening prayer and introductions, followed by discussion about the virtue and saint for the month, a craft page, adoration in the chapel, shared afternoon tea and an art activity –  usually something relevant to the virtue or the liturgical calendar. The programme includes a wide range of wonderful female saints, some that are little-known, helping us get to know our “heavenly friends” from all walks of life. Once a year, we also do an amazing race in teams around the Fourviere grounds with faith-based and physical challenges, a special highlight for many of the girls. Local home-schooled teenage girls assist each month, fostering opportunities for leadership and tuakana-teina relationships.

My favourite thing about the Little Flowers club is seeing the girls hang out with religious sisters. Sister Giovanna-Maria and Sister Rosa support the group with such zeal, good humour and enthusiasm. This is a rare and special opportunity these days, and their contribution to these impressionable youths cannot be overstated. Their beautiful, humble examples of service to God may ignite future religious vocations among the next generation!