Our Patroness

Image: Giuseppe Calì, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

After her life on earth, Our Lady was taken up, body and soul, into Heaven, where she was joyfully received by angels and by her Son. Yet the Assumption is a joy for humanity as well as angels, for it is an honor to Our Mother. It also reminds us of the dignity of the human body, and that our bodies, too, will be raised up on the last day.

The Church and her Fathers and doctors have always believed and taught that Our Lady was Assumed into Heaven. In 1950, in his decree Munificentissimus Deus (November 1, 1950) | PIUS XII, Pope Pius XII declared it to be a dogma of the Church.

Oceania Catholic Homeschooler is dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption. The Assumption is an important Solemnity for Australia and New Zealand – in fact, the only Holy Day of Obligation besides Christmas and Sundays. Bishop Pompallier dedicated New Zealand to Our Lady of the Assumption. The Assumption is also important for mothers, as Christ assuming Mary into Heaven was an act of honor towards His mother. (paragraph 35 and 38, Munificentissimus Deus)